5600 jaar oude mummie ontdekt

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Archeologen hebben vlak bij de heilige Necropolis van Saqqara opnieuw een tombe ontdekt afkomstig uit de 1e dynastie. De tombe werd ontdekt in Kom Al-Ahmar.


5,600-year-old mummy discovered in Egypt
Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered a tomb and mummy dating back to 3,500 B.C,announced the Ministry of Antiquities.
The tomb pre-dates the First Dynasty and was discovered in Kom Al-Ahmar.

Not far from Unas Pyramid of Sakkara ,
Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim announced today the discovery of a tomb of the 20th dynasty .
The owner of the tomb was called ” Baser ”
and it was ” The overseer of the records of the army of Egypt “and” messenger King of the foreign rulers “,
ie: the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The discovery made by the Faculty of Archaeology of the mission of ‘ Cairo University on the south side of the ramp of Unas pyramid at Sakkara .
’s tomb is of the 20th dynasty , at the end of the period Ramesside .
’s tomb is located near the north wall of the entrance the comMander of the army ” Ptah- Mes ” tomb that was discovered in 2010 and dates from the same era of the tomb of Baser which could mean that the tomb newly discovered belongs to one of Ptah – Family Mes .

This finding demonstrates the ‘ importance of this area with the presence of tombs of high officials , even after moving their capital to other locations . Dr. Ola El Aguizy , former dean of the faculty of archeology is the head of the mission . L ‘ axis tomb is from east to west and measure 12 meters in length and width of 6 meters . tomb contains obvious architectural limestone represented at a public hearing with pillars followed by pillar hall in the middle of it the tree leads to the burial chamber then there are three bedrooms decorated and ends with pyramidion mud bricks .

Dr. Ola also explained that what remains of the decorations tombstones are in good condition and shows how passionate the owner of the tomb was to be the scene of major life after death ,
including the process Osirion and adoring Osiris and Ptah ,
as well as scenes of men and women of his family who held titles of administrative and priesthood .
Dr. Ahmed Saied , assistant to the direction of the mission , said that a number of reliefs and tablets have been found ,
as well as ushabtiu , the most important are a group of them that are in a jar ceramic for a woman named ” Negmet ”
and another group found wrapped in linen and attached to the wall east of the entrance of Ptah Mes – grave for a woman called ” Mut Ipet ”

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Bron: Mohamed Bakier, Egyptology